Sunday, November 30, 2014

Create Set Page Updated with New Formatting Options

The Create Set page has been updated to match the new responsive design of Easy Notecards. This new responsive design looks and works great on all your devices.

The biggest feature offered by the new Create Set page is the ability to format notecards. With a few simple tools you can now add emphasis and style to your cards.

Formatting Toolbar

The camera icon is used to upload or link to an image.

Formatting Toolbar Buttons (left to right):
  • Undo
  • Redo
  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Underline
  • Superscript
  • Subscript
  • Background color - Click down arrow to choose from 5 colors:
    • yellow
    • lime
    • aqua
    • pink
    • orange
  • Bullet list - Click down arrow to choose from 4 types:
    • Default 
    • Circle
    • Disk
    • Square
  • Numbered list - Click down arrow to choose from 6 types:
    • Default - 1, 2, 3, etc
    • Lower Alpha - a, b, c, etc
    • Lower Greek - α, β, γ, etc
    • Lower Roman - i, ii, iii, etc
    • Upper Alpha - A, B, C, etc
    • Upper Roman - I, II, III, etc
  • Decrease indent - Can be used for lists and paragraphs
  • Increase indent - Can be used for lists and paragraphs

We may add additional formatting options in the future based on user request.

Formatting Tips
  • Toolbar keyboard shortcuts:
    • ctrl+z Undo
    • ctrl+y Redo
    • ctrl+b Bold
    • ctrl+i Italic
    • ctrl+u Underline
  • To increase/decrease indent for a list or paragraph you must use the toolbar buttons since pressing TAB takes you to the next card
  • Formatting is kept when pasting from another source. This doesn't always work well. Use ctrl+shift+v to paste as plain text. (In chrome you can also right click and select Paste as plain text)
  • To single space use shift+enter

Quick Note. The ability to edit a card from list and card view will be added back sometime this week. Import cards will be added back within the next 2 weeks.

As the semester winds down we here at Easy Notecards have a message for you all:

"Good Luck and FINISH STRONG!"