Wednesday, November 14, 2012

New Feature: Private Messaging

We've added a simple messaging system that allows you to send private messages to any Easy Notecards member. Private messages will be displayed on your notifications page. To prevent abuse, you can turn off private messaging completely or block certain members.

Keep reading for more details about the new private messaging system.

How To Send A Private Message
There are 2 ways to send a private message:

Way 1: While viewing the locker of the member you want to send a message to, click the "Send Private Message" link.

Way 2: When viewing a private message another member sent you, click the "Reply" link.

A box will pop up to compose and send your message.

How To Read A Private Message
Private messages are really just notifications. To view notifications click the "Notifications" button on the top right of each page. There will be a red number within the button if you have any new notifications.

How To Block A Member
To block a member, simply click the "Block member name" under the message he sent you. Keep in mind that when you block a member he will no longer be able to send you private messages and all messages he sent you will be deleted. This action cannot be undone.

How To Turn Off Private Messaging
Private messaging is turned on by default but can easily be turned off. To turn off private messaging go to "Settings", deselect "I receive a private message" under Notifications and click Save. You can change this setting anytime.

That's pretty much all there is to the private messaging system. It's super easy to use. We get a lot of questions about how to get the password for certain password-protected notecard sets. With the messaging system you can now simply message the creator of the set and ask him/her if you can have the password.

Good Luck With Your Studies!